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Poe jesper bank 023 1

Jesper Bank

Chief Commercial Officer

Business Development Manager (Logistics Solutions)

Job Description

Position: Business Development Manager
Location: Esbjerg, Denmark (with remote/home office flexibility)
Industry: Logistics and Supply Chain, Ports, global trade


1. Market Development:

  • Identify and explore growth opportunities for logistics solutions between Eastern/Central Europe and the global market using RoRo routes via Port Esbjerg.
  • Research market trends, competitors, and structural developments in the logistics sector (RoRo, rail, truck).
  • Maintain documentation on competitors’ products and market intelligence.
  • Create market awareness for Port Esbjerg

2. Network Building:

  • Create awareness about logistics opportunities using Port Esbjerg by participating in conferences, fairs, and events.
  • Collaborate with Danish Embassies, international organizations, and industry stakeholders.
  • Build and nurture a strong professional network.

3. Strategic Partnerships:

  • Establish and maintain relationships with key stakeholders, including clients, partners, and government bodies.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to develop innovative solutions.

4. Logistics Expertise:

  • Leverage familiarity with logistics to drive business growth.
  • Understand supply chain dynamics, transportation modes, and industry best practices.

Energetic profile

We welcome candidates who are passionate about logistics and enjoy travelling.

The candidate must have a high drive and be outgoing.

The tasks will contain a representative effort at a high academic and business professional level.

It will be an advantage if the candidate has extensive knowledge of the markets in Eastern and Central Europe


Bachelor’s or University Degree in Business, MBA, Engineering, Marketing, Technical, Education, Economics, Finance, or Business Administration.

Prior experience in logistics, supply chain, or related fields.

Demonstrated success in business development and market expansion.

Strong networking and relationship-building skills.

Knowledge of software development practices and data centre/infrastructure/networking technologies.

Work Environment

Remote/home office setup is feasible.

Port Esbjerg will shape and mentor the candidate’s professional growth within the organization.

The hiring process is non-discriminatory and we encourage all qualified persons to apply for the position.

How to Apply

Any questions can be directed to CCO Jesper Bank, to whom the application should also be sent:, mobile: +4551961840

The applications are processed on an ongoing basis with an expected appointment on
September 1, 2024.

Port Esbjerg is one of Denmark’s leading commercial ports, with more than 5,000 vessel calls annually. Port Esbjerg is a recognized player among both domestic and international stakeholders and continually works on developing the port and the organization.

The port hosts approximately 8,500 employees across more than 200 different companies, with around 55 people employed directly by Port Esbjerg.

The culture is informal and direct, and we are all development-oriented and curious about optimizing and improving efficiency.

We are professional in our approach to work and understand how to navigate in a company with significant attention from the business community and other stakeholders in Denmark and abroad.

If you would like to learn more about Port Esbjerg, please visit our website at

Esbjerg Havn søger havneassistent

Havneassistenten indgår i døgnvagten i Maritim afdeling, der betjener havnens kunder, og varetager ordens-mæssige, administrative og maritime opgaver. Du vil endvidere lejlighedsvis indgå i dagteamet.

Maritim afdeling består udover teamlederen af 9 medarbejdere, som bl.a. dækker døgnvagten. Ansøgere skal være indstillet på at deltage i nat- og weekendarbejde.

Du skal varetage følgende opgaver:

  • Medvirke til en hensigtsmæssig og smidig afvikling af trafikken på havnen
  • Administrative opgaver
  • Løbende kontakt med havnens kunder
  • Aktiv deltagelse i udviklingen af afdelingen
  • Sørge for overholdelse af diverse bestemmelser for Esbjerg Havn


Der søges en selvstændig og serviceminded person, der med overblik og situationsfornemmelse kan løse de daglige opgaver i samarbejde med havnens kunder.

Herudover lægges vægt på gode evner til at kommunikere, og der forventes en bred viden
og interesse for søfart - dvs.:

  • Navigatøruddannnelse (Minimum uddannelse som sætteskipper)
  • Radiocertifikat (VHF)
  • Førerbevis til personvogn
  • Kendskab til og interesse for IT
  • Gode sprogkundskaber i engelsk
  • Godt humør

Du tilbydes:

  • Løn i henhold til overenskomst
  • Mulighed for at præge jobbet
  • Dejlige renoverede lokaler i en gammel og smuk bygning

Ansøgning sendes mærket ”Havne-assistent” senest den 8. januar 2024 kl. 12.00 til

Der vil løbende blive indkaldt til samtaler.

Yderligere information om jobbet: Teamleder Michael Fries tlf. 51 50 71 94 (direkte).