Funded Projects

PE ARC 010

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PE Dennis Feb 24 019 2

Dennis Jul Pedersen

Chief Executive Officer


Projektet er finansieret af EU-Kommissionens CINEA. Det samlede projektbudget er på 56 millioner euro, hvoraf 50 % (28 millioner euro) er finansieret.

Det samlede projektbudget er på 56 millioner euro, hvoraf 50 % (28 millioner euro) er finansieret.


  • The project is financed by the EU Commission's CINEA.
  • The total project budget is 56 million euros, of which 50% (28 million euros) is financed.

Project Summary

Port of Esbjerg is one of the largest ports in Denmark and is a pivotal and equipotent infrastructure in catering country’s civil and defence needs at the same time. Port of Esbjerg, which is referred here, is a leading port in North Sea region that is fulcrum for serving Denmark’s host nation support to NATO activities and for exporting wind turbines from Denmark. Hence, on one hand the port is contributing to national and Union’s safety and security through military mobilities, the other hand signifies the crucial civil use of the port in uplifting the wind energy demand of Europe. It is worth mentioning that approximately one-third of the total exports of wind turbines in Europe is done from Port of Esbjerg. Until now, Port of Esbjerg has been serving its purpose quite befittingly, however with new situations, things need to be tweaked.

The present and foremost hurdle in the accommodating to new scenarios is the channel and quayside depths. The approach to the Port of Esbjerg from the North Sea is by way of a dredged channel over Graadyb Bar and through Graadyb. This channel, also called as Grådyb channel, connects Port of Esbjerg to North Sea. Today there is 10.3 meters water depth in several parts of the channel, whereas there is 10.5 meters at the quayside in the Port, whereas the present needs set this value to 12.5 meters requirement. This situation is a result of strong urge from both military and civil purposes.

Overall Objective

1) Removing the bottlenecks in TEN-T connectivity of Port of Esbjerg to cater to larger vessels for dual-use purposes, thereby thriving socio-economic development of the region.

2) Enhancing NATO’s military mobility in the region through better accessibility, and play a fulcrum role in representing and catering to Denmark’s responsibilities as NATO’s supporting host nation;

3) Capitalising on Port of Esbjerg’s existing infrastructure for dual-use for both civilian and military purposes, to thrust and thrive Europe’s core interests of the “Connecting Europe’s Facilities (CEF)” framework

Hydrogen Valley

Projektet er finansieret af Interreg Nordsøregionen. Esbjerg Havn deltager i projektet sammen med 9 andre projektpartnere.

Projektbudgettet for Esbjerg Havn er på 350.000 euro.

Projektet startede i januar 2024 og fortsætter i 3 år.

Hydrogen Valley

  • The project is financed by Interreg North Sea Region.
  • The Port of Esbjerg participates in the project together with 9 other project partners.
  • The project budget for the Port of Esbjerg is 350,000 euros.
  • The project commenced January 2024 and will continue for 3 years.

Project Summary

The creation of 4 Port Hydrogen Valley Master Plans (Brest, Bremen, den Helder, Esbjerg) will link H2 production to end user stakeholders.

Hydrogen Valleys (or hubs) are new governance innovative partnerships that lead to long term planning that allows scale up from demonstration projects.

Port Hydrogen Valleys will also address maritime governance barriers and promote vessel design, and bunkering plans.

Overall Objective

  • Provide a roadmap and timeline for the development of a hydrogen regional economy in 4 port regions.
  • Foster close co-operation between public and private sectors.
  • Stimulate maritime vessel design and bunkering plans which are lagging land based H2 activity.
  • Better corporate governance in building maritime H2 valleys.

Transnational Approach

The EU sees the North Sea as a key H2 Import Corridor with ports playing a key role not only importing but also producing H2 This can only be achieved by co-operation in H2 shipping, terminals, storage, pipelines, distribution stations with common standards etc. Ports need to work together to create networks so that H2 vessels can move between ports using common standards and equipment.


Projektet er finansieret af Interreg Nordsøregionen.

Esbjerg Havn deltager i projektet sammen med 12 andre projektpartnere.

Projektbudgettet for Esbjerg Havn er på 750.000 euro.

Projektet er i gang og forventes afsluttet i april 2027


  • The project is financed by Interreg North Sea Region.
  • The Port of Esbjerg participates in the project together with 12 other project partners.
  • The project budget for the Port of Esbjerg is 750,000 euros.
  • The project is underway and is expected to be completed in April 2027

Project Summary

DIOL concretely responds to the Directive 2018/2001 by addressing THE ESBJERG DECLARATION on The North Sea as a Green Power Plant of Europe (NS GPPoE). DIOL helps set in motion the logistics required to develop the foreseen offshore Renewable Energy (RE) system connecting the 4 Countries and France through concrete measures in concerned ports and airports.

In order to construct and maintain the expected multiple interlinked offshore RE projects and hubs, it is URGENT as well as crucial to support the core infrastructure providers that are most affected by the objective of delivering at least 65GW offshore wind power by 2030 & 150GW by 2050 and installing a 20GW production capacity of green hydrogen by 2030.

To speed up such expansion process via a forward-looking and resilient logistic chain, DIOL stimulates the innovation capacity under the framework of a transnational coordinated effort.

Small Scale Carbon Capturing System for Decentralized CO2 Point Sources

Project Summary

The project aims to improve small-scale post-combustion carbon capture, particularly for decentralized CO2 sources such as those associated with agricultural biogas plants.

Welltec is set to demonstrate a carbon capture system designed to directly sequester CO2 from point sources, thereby facilitating a reduction in CO2 emissions and enhancing circular economy practices by enabling the conversion of biogenic CO2 into e-fuels.

Aligned with Danish energy policy objectives, this project seeks to contribute to the independence from fossil fuels and supports the circular economy by enabling the sustainable reuse of biogenic CO2.

The project's goals include demonstrating a fully integrated and automated Welltec small-scale carbon capture system (SCC) in a real operational setting (TRL 7), capturing CO2 from biogas combustion by-products at the Greenfarm biogas plant at Gråsten Landbrugsskole. The objectives focus on effective and efficient CO2 capture, cost efficiency, scalability, regulatory compliance, technological advancement, and minimizing environmental impacts.

The consortium’s value lies in its comprehensive expertise and collaborative approach. With partners like DTU, SINTEF, AAU, Greenfarm, and Esbjerg Port, the consortium covers a full spectrum of the carbon capture value chain, from technological development and demonstration (DTU, SINTEF, AAU) to practical application (Greenfarm) and infrastructure support (Esbjerg Port).

This collaborative framework ensures an efficient project execution, fostering innovation, practical application, and scalability, ultimately leading to the successful integration of carbon capture solutions into existing systems and contributing significantly to environmental and energy policy objectives.