September 13, 2023

A new Fishermen’s House has opened at the fishing harbour for the benefit and enjoyment of many users of the port

Header fiskernes hus

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Karin rix hollander

Karin Rix Holländer

Executive Assistant MA

A number of foundations and private individuals have contributed financially to the Fishermen’s House, which has just opened in new and refurbished premises at Port Esbjerg’s fishing harbour. The house is intended for fishermen, seamen and other users of the port. Andreas Thygesen, a 94-year-old fisherman cut the ribbon, and the opening was celebrated with fried frankfurters.

Cutting the ribbon, which was followed by the customary applause, 94-year-old Andreas Thygesen presided over the opening of the Fishermen’s House at Port Esbjerg, and it was no coincidence that he was the man invited to perform the honours. He has fished off Esbjerg ever since his father started taking him out to sea as a six-year-old boy.

Andreas Thygesen expressed his thanks for being asked to cut the ribbon with the golden scissors, and also for the opportunity to use the Fishermen’s House in the years to come.

The address is Fiskerihavnsgade 2a – very apt, as the street name means ‘fishing harbour street’. Now, fishermen, seamen and other groups have the opportunity to meet at the house, which provides a common room, a conference room, a stainless-steel fish cleaning table and other amenities.

Port Esbjerg’s CEO Dennis Jul Pedersen is pleased to offer fishermen these new and improved facilities.

“We’re taking steps to future-proof Port Esbjerg in a number of areas. The fishing harbour is very important to us, and so are the conditions we offer the fishermen, of course, which is why we’re happy to be able to provide these great facilities in a beautiful location,” says Pedersen.

Eighteen prawn vessels still call at Port Esbjerg, ten of which are based here, and English, German, Dutch and Scottish vessels also come to unload their catches of prawn and crab.

Fried frankfurters were served at the celebration, but since it was the opening of the Fishermen’s House, freshly smoked mackerel, salmon and herring were also on offer. The fish had been prepared for the occasion in the new smokers.


94-year-old Andreas Thygesen and Port Esbjerg's CEO Dennis Jul Pedersen cut the ribbon.

A gathering place for the port’s visitors

The project was first conceived 18 months ago. Since then, Jan Erik Kamstrup, centre manager of Esbjerg Port Services, has applied for donations from a number of foundations, associations and private businesses to refurbish the premises. And today, the new premises are ready for the grand opening.

“It took a lot of work to get here, which makes me all the happier and prouder that we can offer users such high-standard facilities,” says Kamstrup.

He is delighted that Port Esbjerg has made the facilities available, and equally pleased with their location.

“It’s a unique location with fantastic views, and we’re extremely grateful to Port Esbjerg for providing us with these premises. They’ll benefit a lot of people,” he says.

The Fishermen’s House is fitted out with a smokehouse with smokers as well as showering and laundry facilities. The plan is for the house to be used by a number of other guests of the port as well. Crew members from the wind farms’ CTVs may take their breaks here, while others may use the premises for presentations and the like.

Jesper Juul Larsen, Chairman of Esbjerg Port Services, hopes the premises will be widely used.

“We want it to be a gathering place that’ll benefit many people. Given the great location that Port Esbjerg has so generously provided, I’m confident of its success. I’m extremely pleased with the project, and proud too,” he says.

For a number of years, the Oasis for retired fishermen and Fiskernes Seniorforening (the fishermen’s seniors association) were both located elsewhere at the fishing port, but these premises are no longer available. This prompted the need for a new location at the fishing harbour for retired fishermen as well as for crew members of the 25 or so turbine installation vessels based at Port Esbjerg, as the distance to the existing seamen’s centre is several kilometres.

Port Esbjerg also plans to build a covered area at Dock 2 at the fishing harbour to improve food safety when prawn and crab catches are unloaded.


More than 100 people gathered to celebrate the inauguration of the new Fishermen's House.

Six-figure donation from foundations and private individuals

Behind the initiative and operation of the Fishermen’s House is Esbjerg Port Services, a not-for-profit organisation. 

A number of foundations donated funds for the project, among them the Claus Sørensen Foundation, the Lauritzen Foundation, the Esbjerg Foundation, the Johan Hoffmann Foundation, and the Lida and Oskar Nielsens Foundation. Danmarks Fiskeriforening (the Danish Fishers PO), Sydvestjysk Fiskeriforening, Esvagt, Granly Gruppen and several private individuals also made donations. The cost of the refurbishment was DKK 1.5 million.

After Port Esbjerg’s CEO Dennis Jul Pedersen’s ‘Congratulations to us all’ at the opening, draught beer, fried frankfurters, soft drinks and coffee were enjoyed by all.


The opening was celebrated with fried frankfurters and draught beers.

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